New Responsive Website for SF services

New Responsive Website for SF services

We were asked to design a website for a new start up called SF services – a personal insight consultancy offering mentoring, counselling and personal programmes to businesses, schools and individuals. The brief was to design a logo, make a website using...
Shiny new videos for Toothpaste manufacturer

Shiny new videos for Toothpaste manufacturer

We were asked to make a series of frank, genuine and spontaneous videos for a manufacturer of a great new toothpaste that cleans, freshens and whitens – but doesn’t contain harmful chemicals. Our teeth have never looked better. We videoed a number of...
New Videos for New Brand

New Videos for New Brand

Recently we’ve been making lots of videos. This job was a series of training videos for a new product which is an alternative to smoking cigarettes. This was a fairly large affair with five actors (we used a casting agent to find them), a mock pharmacy, a film...
Major Brand Marketing Awayday

Major Brand Marketing Awayday

We were asked to organise an ‘away day’ for a major UK brand (a high street optical retailer). The brief was to organise a day not too far from the Head Office that included time for a team meeting, an ‘event’ that would help the team gel a bit...