Latest News
Read what's happening at StretchVenue Hunting
Yesterday we travelled to Nottingham to scope out some new venues for one of our clients. We visited the beautiful early Tudor manor house Holme Pierrepoint Hall which dates from 1500. We were shown round by the charming owner Robert Brackenbury. The house feels...
New Responsive Website for SF services
We were asked to design a website for a new start up called SF services - a personal insight consultancy offering mentoring, counselling and personal programmes to businesses, schools and individuals. The brief was to design a logo, make a website using 'real' (not...
Shiny new videos for Toothpaste manufacturer
We were asked to make a series of frank, genuine and spontaneous videos for a manufacturer of a great new toothpaste that cleans, freshens and whitens - but doesn't contain harmful chemicals. Our teeth have never looked better. We videoed a number of people and asked...
New Videos for New Brand
Recently we've been making lots of videos. This job was a series of training videos for a new product which is an alternative to smoking cigarettes. This was a fairly large affair with five actors (we used a casting agent to find them), a mock pharmacy, a film crew of...
Major Brand Marketing Awayday
We were asked to organise an 'away day' for a major UK brand (a high street optical retailer). The brief was to organise a day not too far from the Head Office that included time for a team meeting, an 'event' that would help the team gel a bit more and an evening...
Sweden Calling ..
Just booking flights to Sweden. Meeting in Stockholm to discuss various kinds of wood. Perfect.
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